

The Situation: Uneven/Rough Terrain without Kompensator

· High frame stresses occur
· The Center of Gravity Shifts Off the Vehicle Center

The Solution: The HOLLAND Kompensator Mount

The HOLLAND Kompensator Mount provides the torsional stress relief that rigid trailers and tankers require. The unique cradle design provides side-to-side compensation and allows more flexibility between tractor and trailer by reducing torque and twist transfer through the fifth wheel.

The Situation: Uneven/Rough Terrain WITH Kompensator

· The center of gravity remains stable at the vehicle Center
· and less Frame stress occurs

Advantages of the HOLLAND Kompensator Mount

· Reduction of load on vehicle frame due to torsional forces.
· Particularly advantageous for rigid semitrailers, such as tanker trailers
· Increased relative lateral movement between tractor and semitrailer
· Hole pattern in accordance with ISO 3842